Retreat Registration Form

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By selecting yes you agree to let EDLYA post publically any photos of you taken at the retreat.

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Although anyone is welcome to attend our retreats, you should be aware that our synod practices closed communion. If you are not a member of LCC or an affiliated synod, we ask that you refrain from taking communion on Sunday. If you have any concerns about this, please talk to the pastor.

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Retreat Information
All the days! Only some days
Friday Saturday Sunday
All Some None
Saturday Breakfast Saturday Lunch Saturday Dinner Sunday Breakfast Sunday Lunch


Meals are provided from Saturday morning onwards. Those who stay for only two meals or those who provide their own food will have a reduced fee of $10. If you stay for more than two meals, you will have to pay the regular fee of $35.

I am driving and have room in my car for others I need a ride I already have a drive Don't know yet
Emergency Information
Other Information

* sections are mandatory